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Esslie The Lesser

Date Added: 6th Jan 2024
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: Scotland (Aberdeenshire)
Visited: Yes. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 5 Access 4

Esslie The Lesser

Esslie The Lesser submitted by cosmic on 1st Nov 2003. Boulder pile near Esslie Lesser.
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Uragh NE

Date Added: 2nd May 2018
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 4

Uragh NE

Uragh NE submitted by Caramia on 1st Jul 2003. This picture was taken at Uragh NE, County Kerry Ireland on May 1. I was visiting from California leading a photo/culture tour of SW Ireland. Spectacular setting, magnificent moment.
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Wat Phra Mahathat

Date Added: 8th Sep 2017
Site Type: Ancient Temple Country: Thailand
Visited: Would like to visit

Wat Phra Mahathat

Wat Phra Mahathat submitted by KaiHofmann on 8th Sep 2017. The Wat Phra Mahathat temple complex.
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Fairy Well (Stenness)

Date Added: 6th Sep 2017
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: Scotland (Orkney)
Visited: Would like to visit

Fairy Well (Stenness)

Fairy Well (Stenness) submitted by howar on 4th May 2010. overlooking Fairy Well from side
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Cathair Crobh Dearg

Date Added: 7th Mar 2014
Site Type: Stone Fort or Dun Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Would like to visit

Cathair Crobh Dearg

Cathair Crobh Dearg submitted by Klingon on 11th Apr 2005. Inner stonewall of the Cathair Crobh Dearg fort.
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Aill na Mireann

Date Added: 20th Oct 2012
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Westmeath)
Visited: Would like to visit

Aill na Mireann

Aill na Mireann submitted by durhamnature on 20th Oct 2012. Great photo from Annals of Westmeath, via
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Water Music Stone

Date Added: 21st Apr 2012
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: England (Cornwall)
Visited: Would like to visit

Water Music Stone

Water Music Stone submitted by AngieLake on 12th Sep 2008. The imposing Water Music stone taken in early September 2008.
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Date Added: 3rd Feb 2012
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Cork)
Visited: Yes. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 4


Ballycrovane submitted by Luca_Paradisi on 26th Apr 2004. Another pinhole photo by Luca Paradisi of West Cork Prints. Not sure where this stone is exactly, will find out.
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Log Text: It's also known as Faunkill. There's something just odd about walking through someone's garden to visit a megalith, even when you've paid to do it!
This tall thin stone itself is a short walk up a steep incline and it's set on the top. Be careful trying to take a photograph, I had it almost in my sights and stepped back, and again, and again and realised there wasn't enough ground to get it all in one shot.

Isbister: Tomb Of The Eagles

Date Added: 3rd Feb 2012
Site Type: Chambered Cairn Country: Scotland (Orkney)
Visited: Yes. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 3

Isbister: Tomb Of The Eagles

Isbister: Tomb Of The Eagles submitted by steveco on 24th Feb 2002. Isbister, Tomb of the Eagles ND470845. Skulls are on show inside.
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Log Text: This is a superb site as it's run by the family who own the land that the Tomb is on. The visitor centre is excellent for its talks and information. A shortish walk takes you to the Burnt Mound which is in date much younger than the Tomb, and then there's a much longer walk to the Tomb itself.

Rollright Stones

Date Added: 26th Jan 2012
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: England (Oxfordshire)
Visited: Yes on 1st Jan 1980. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 4

Rollright Stones

Rollright Stones submitted by JimChampion on 17th Feb 2005. February 2005. A worms-eye view looking north into the King's Men circle. Lovely winter morning sunshine on a somewhat eerie site.
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Log Text: Just came across this old leaflet from my first visit in 1980

Kardung petroglyphs

Date Added: 2nd Nov 2011
Site Type: Rock Art Country: India
Visited: Would like to visit

Kardung petroglyphs

Kardung petroglyphs submitted by KaiHofmann on 26th Jul 2011. Kardung petroglyphs
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Aramu Muru

Date Added: 9th Oct 2011
Site Type: Sculptured Stone Country: Peru
Visited: Would like to visit

Aramu Muru

Aramu Muru submitted by Michelledubois on 8th Oct 2011. Aramu Muru is a mysterious portal located near Lake Titicaca on the Peru/Bolivia border. This photo was taken by Brien Foerster.
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St.Magnus's Well

Date Added: 21st Aug 2011
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: Scotland (Orkney)
Visited: Yes. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 5

St.Magnus's Well

St.Magnus's Well submitted by howar on 27th Apr 2005. area of possible original stone
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Log Text: Just spotted this as I was driving along. As I was reading the sign, I heard the trickle of running water and found a pipe sticking out of the ground beside a wooden fence that had a clean mug left there for thirsty travellers.

Barnhouse Settlement

Date Added: 21st Aug 2011
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement Country: Scotland (Orkney)
Visited: Yes. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 4

Barnhouse Settlement

Barnhouse Settlement submitted by steveco on 24th Feb 2002. Barnhouse Settlement HY306127. Probably in use around the same time of Skara Brae.
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Log Text: I visited in 2005 so this log’s from memory, it was a superb location. I’ve not seen structures built so close to a loch. Imagine stepping outside first thing in the morning, a few steps and you could have a quick dip and catch your breakfast simultaneously. The Standing Stones of Stenness are only a short walk away and easily visible from Barnhouse, so it leads the imagination to wonder what went on between the two sites. Did the people who lived at Barnhouse build the circle or use it? Present day (2011) excavations at the nearby Ness of Brodgar are unearthing buildings which seem to be constructed in a very similar way to some of the ones at Barnhouse. I don’t know of any other area that has a stone circle with contemporary dwellings so close by. Here we have two within easy walking distance of each other, the Ring of Brodgar with the Ness settlement then cross the causeway which has its own megaliths, the finest being the Watchstone, to find Stenness with the Barnhouse settlement. Maes Howe is also visible from Stenness, I didn’t check from Barnhouse but it’s likely.
All of these sites are so close to each other and I think contemporary, it’s hard not to let the imagination run riot and wonder how the population socialised. Was it harmonious or human nature being what it is, were the Ness and Barnhouse residents in competition with each other. Did the entire population live in these structures or were they only for one section of the community and the others lived in temporary dwellings?
Some of the features in the houses are delineated by different coloured gravels, wooden posts etc. to give a very clear visual of what was where and what it was used for. One has a trapezoidal stone where you couldn’t help but walk over it. I can’t remember what was found under it but think there was one instance of a burial in a doorway, very liminal, threshold and all that, but not so nice for us to think of granny under the doormat!
This area is literally the Neolithic Heart of Orkney, not only does it have so many monuments in such a small area, it has a tantalising link to the people that lived and worked there.

Hull and East Riding Museum

Date Added: 20th Aug 2011
Site Type: Museum Country: England (North Humberside)
Visited: Yes on 16th Apr 2005. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 4 Access 5

Hull and East Riding Museum

Hull and East Riding Museum submitted by Runemage on 20th Aug 2011. I think these are Bronze Age Collared Urns, displayed at the depth they were discovered in different mounds. The detailing on the pottery is superb.
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Log Text: Very interesting visit and a must for prehistory enthusiasts. J.R.Mortimer, a prolific antiquarian excavated anything that looked like a lump in the landscape in the East Yorkshire Wolds area and his detailed records of neolithic and bronze age discoveries were published in what's known as 'Mortimer's Forty Years' His 66,000 finds are in the museum, but only a comparative few are on display. The ones that are there show a superb quality of craftsmanship.
In addition, there is a good quality replica of the Folkton Drums,
The original and enigmatic quartzite-eyed Roos Carr figures
The Hasholme Boat, made from a huge hewn log in a watery preservation area
Iron Age Chariot Burials are a feature of the area and several are on display. My interest in history finishes about there, but there's lots more to be seen like Roman mosaics etc.


Date Added: 27th Jun 2011
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes


Stonehenge. submitted by TimPrevett on 27th Dec 2010. Winter Solstice 2010
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Bryn Cader Faner

Date Added: 3rd Jun 2011
Site Type: Ring Cairn Country: Wales (Gwynedd)
Visited: Would like to visit

Bryn Cader Faner

Bryn Cader Faner submitted by Thingy on 2nd Feb 2010. I couldn't submit pics of Bryn Cader Faner without one showing the 'standard' but nevertheless spectacular view.
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Date Added: 23rd Apr 2011
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: Scotland (Aberdeenshire)
Visited: Yes


Cullerlie submitted by krautrock on 1st Aug 2010. Cullerlie Stone Circle in the evening sun. June 2010
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Date Added: 15th Apr 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Orkney)
Visited: Yes

Broch of Gurness

Broch of Gurness submitted by steveco on 24th Feb 2002. Broch of Gurness HY382268. Another well preserved Broch.
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Log Text: The "well" is so intriguing

Dolmen Of The Four Maols

Date Added: 15th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Mayo)
Visited: Yes

Dolmen Of The Four Maols

Dolmen Of The Four Maols submitted by Runemage on 21st Mar 2011. Maols means friends/companions if memory serves, but I've forgotten the legend that the stone is named after. Taken in 1999
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