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Dolmen de Béalcourt

Date Added: 22nd Apr 2019
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: France (Picardie:Somme (80))
Visited: Yes on 22nd Apr 2019. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Dolmen de Béalcourt

Dolmen de Béalcourt submitted by Genniwren33 on 22nd Aug 2019. Site in Picardie:Somme (80) France
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Log Text: A lovely hidden corner of the Somme. Lovely views from site. Followed map on this site and found it easily! Well marked with a sign by small parking space, 400m walk up grassy footpath at the side of a field.
The stone itself is well preserved and of interesting texture, it is now lying almost flat against a bank!

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