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Gallery Home >> England >> Cornwall >> Pipers (nr Merry Maidens)

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These are the intriguing stones in the hedge near to the NE Piper stone that caught my eye last September.    
Are they just field clearance, or something more important? (Note also the large flat stone near the Piper pillar.)
I was there rather late, and it was getting too dark to investigate more fully.
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedOct 25 2006
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These are the intriguing stones in the hedge near to the NE Piper stone that caught my eye last September.
Are they just field clearance, or something more important? (Note also the large flat stone near the Piper pillar.)
I was there rather late, and it was getting too dark to investigate more fully.

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2006-11-22)
TIM, HELLO! Did you check out these stones while you were there?
TimPrevett (2006-11-22)
ANGIE - Yes, and we said "hmmmn, yes, interesting, maybe, but can't be sure" :o) Also looked at Creeg Tol nr Boscawen Un - couldn't find footprints, but there was a spectacular natural basin.
AngieLake (2006-11-22)
Thanks Tim. At Creeg Tol the scary bit was the area of the little stone circle below the rocks and may be overgrown. (In the last pic I posted on here it was nearly covered). I had trouble seeing the footprint at first too, but it's there on the big rock to the right of the one with the natural basin that's in line with Boscawen Un.

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