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There is an embedded stone in the dining room to the left as you go through the pub. Another stone props up a beam in the breakfast room to the right. This description is shown nearby. The pub was originally a monastery built in the 12th Century by Benedictine Monks who came to the village which was then known as Zale and constructed a nine roomed 2 storey granite and oak monastery around the Menh
Submitted byhoya105
AddedMay 23 2019
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There is an embedded stone in the dining room to the left as you go through the pub. Another stone props up a beam in the breakfast room to the right. This description is shown nearby. The pub was originally a monastery built in the 12th Century by Benedictine Monks who came to the village which was then known as Zale and constructed a nine roomed 2 storey granite and oak monastery around the Menhir Standing Stone. This had been cut - a massive 27 feet high from granite on Dartmoor, then rolled (the stone weighing around 17 tons) down into a wooded hillside where The Oxenham Arms is now located . This was 5000 yrs ago- and it has been here ever since!
The stone in the breakfast room may be later, maybe not...

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