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The highest and steepest part of the bank and ditch in the Northern part of Caer Bran Hillfort, This is the Eastern side of the NW entrance.
Submitted byBladup
AddedNov 23 2013
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The highest and steepest part of the bank and ditch in the Northern part of Caer Bran Hillfort, This is the Eastern side of the NW entrance.

Posted Comments:

4clydesdale7 (2013-11-26)
Bladup - perhaps the point that feardhaigh was trying to make might be easier for you to see in relation to your contribution to our (collective) photographic appreciation or knowledge of this Hillfort - no-one is criticising the quality of your work but they could reasonably ask 'Were 12 photographs really necessary?' and 'Might not 4 or 5 have said more and more importantly invited or encouraged further investigation?'
Andy B (2013-11-26)
Sorry but I strongly disagree with this, especially for large sites. As many views as possible are useful and welcome. The exception is of course not to send almost the same image twice, or from the same view but at different zoom levels.
4clydesdale7 (2013-11-26)
Andy - Your current questionnaire is trying to ascertain why there seems to be a 'lack of will' to contribute - surely both you and I would prefer to see 12 new contributors each with one photograph than one contributor with twelve photographs - h fenton's (sorry h) approach is much better than that of Bladup - sometimes 'less' brings 'more' - have you sought the opinion of your moderators who have to deal with everyone (not just Bladup)? - have you asked a contributor who is waiting for Bladup's work to be processed before the moderators look at his/her work? Sorry we must agree to disagree no matter how strongly -
Bladup (2013-11-26)
This site was covered in gorse for as long as anyone can remember, and the lovely people down here in Cornwall spent ages clearing it, All the photo's are to show that work as well as the place [which like Andy says is big], and in this photo for example you can see big previously unseen stones in the forts ditch. The fact is I'd been to the site before many times and had never even taken a photo because there was nothing to see because of the growth, It may get like that again if it isn't kept clear, So these photo's may one day be one of the only records of when it was clear, I don't have to explain anything to you really though, Do I? and for the record ALL Mr fenton's photo's are great, but his one of carn Bran was before the clear up, one from the kite now it's clear would be even better, but i don't have a Kite and my camera cost just £30 off ebay, I think I do more than Ok with It, considering what some people pay for theirs.
Andy B (2013-11-26)
We have no shortage of photo and site contributors, the questionnaire is about our discussion forum. We have dozens of photos coming in each day so I don't think one person will overwhelm our hard-working admins. It is a fact that some contributors tend to upload in large batches and we're used to that.
Bladup (2013-11-26)
Thanks Andy, I really appreciate your comments and the wonderful hard-working admins, I do think about my photo's and different views and the like, If i kept putting ones on of the same view I'd expect to be told, But that isn't needed with me because I don't/won't do that, I have X amount of photo's to put on and will continue to do so til they're all on, It's 15 years of travel you see and I've pretty much got all the photo's of places down here on my doorstep as well, As I know in my heart they will/have enriched this site in only a very little way because it was already great, Onwards and upwards....
4clydesdale7 (2013-11-27)
........ and the two original questions together with the supplemental question remain unanswered - it sounds a little like being up a mast as a lookout without glasses..... and we all know what happened then - there's none so blind etc ..... please sail on (I for one shall miss you when you are gone)
Runemage (2013-11-27)
I think part of the conversation referred to here is on a different page and no purpose is served by continuing it so I'll repeat myself here :-

Ancient places mean something different to each viewer or visitor, one's wow moment will leave another indifferent, it's the same with art. Would you visit an open gallery and protest that you didn't like the exhibition because there were too many paintings by one artist, even though you weren't charged admission or would you just shrug and move on?

People differ in the amount of images they contribute or wish to view and others either appreciate the detail or think there are too few or too many. Much comes down to personal preference. I think we need to draw a line under this now.

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