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Gallery Home >> England >> Cumbria >> Long Meg And Her Daughters

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Visiting Long Meg with a tour a couple weeks back, I had never seen so many cows among the stones doing what cows do. One of the traditions is that Meg is a witch, and the stones, also witches with whom she had an 'unnatural relationship'. In such light, one wonders if that's why the cows exhibited some of the behaviour they did.
Submitted byTimPrevett
AddedOct 14 2006
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Visiting Long Meg with a tour a couple weeks back, I had never seen so many cows among the stones doing what cows do. One of the traditions is that Meg is a witch, and the stones, also witches with whom she had an 'unnatural relationship'. In such light, one wonders if that's why the cows exhibited some of the behaviour they did.

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2006-10-14)
Now I know why "Holy Cow" (or "Pagan Cow" in this instance?!) is an exclamation of horror. You could've spared us some of the close-ups Tim! This could win "The Most Revolting Postcard" competition.
TimPrevett (2006-10-15)
LOL! Just imagine what it's like having travelled thousands of miles, never having seen the place before, and probably never will again - and this is the theme of your visit here! (Hence the caption). Thankfully we enjoyed our hour and a bit here, despite all the bovine biology being continually expressed.
bat400 (2006-10-15)
Birds do it; Cows do it.
Even Prehistoric fans do it...
JimChampion (2006-10-25)
On a similar theme - this could be a runner-up in the "Cows will be cows in scenic spots" competition: Link to picture of bizarre bovine behaviour

sumdoood (2010-05-01)
These shots amount to a good reminder of the stink and destruction caused by our nowadays completely unnecessary farming of animals.

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