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Inside substantial ditch; midwinter sunshine.
Submitted byRingPaw
AddedJan 07 2006
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Inside substantial ditch; midwinter sunshine.

Posted Comments:

Thorgrim (2006-01-07)
Spooky! Very atmospheric and now wait for someone to spot the blue fairy light!
RingPaw (2006-01-07)
Why, thank you for your comments, Thorgrim. Yes, and that vixen-haired Amazon wasn't there when I took the photo!
DavidRaven (2006-01-07)
Does she know there's a grey squirrel about to sink it's fangs into her neck?
AngieLake (2006-01-08)
Or the tree roots to suddenly start creeping..... ever.... so.... slowly..... towards.... her......... legs............. aaarrrgghhhhhhh!
Vixen (2006-01-08)
No, silly, thats my daemon!
thecaptain (2006-01-08)
what ? As in its all a Blur ?
Vixen (2006-01-17)
Funny, try the library though
RingPaw (2006-01-17)
Ah, Vixen you are wise. One of my unposted photos has the shadow of a pair of Leopard ears (my 'daemon' if you like).

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