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View of the megalithic observatory at Kokino. Photo copyright Gjore Cenev
Submitted byGjore_Cenev
AddedNov 17 2004
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View of the megalithic observatory at Kokino. Photo copyright Gjore Cenev

Posted Comments:

555555 (2004-11-21)
This is brilliant, I'm on my come Monday
A (2004-11-23)
Just great ! I can't belive that this realy exist after so long, long time!!!
Maia (2004-11-26)
I am delighted to find out that these alignments exists in Europe. It confirms so much of our 'theory'. Gjore - May I use the pics please as part of local talks to small groups? I have been wanting photo 'proof' of european equinox alignment for AGES, and they are thin on the ground here in UK. I have noticed that sols and lunar are easy to find, and that equis are more to the south than us (generally). I ALWAYS give my sources and the talks are not big or money making! Hope it is OK. Maia
Gjore (2004-12-02)
Dear Maia, Thanks for your intrest. Using photo is not a problem I hope that you will have much use of them in your small talks. Regards, Gjore
DATA123 (2005-04-19)
Gjore khe praime li za 2ri maj feshta? pa objavi i na sajtov neka ima bre....khe ne poseti nekoj od stranstvo mozhda :)...ili da go napraime ko donatorska konferencija direktiva a? Eve ja doniram pola jagne :)
boki (2005-04-20)
this is great!!! come and visit also vilage Oraovdol ( 50 km from Veles City) place full with stone figure and nature design. regards
dimitri (2005-04-20)
Kade tocno se naoga ova mesto-KOKINO?Vo blizina na Kumanovo?I dali do mestoto ima pat,bilo kakov i moze li da se odi so auto,ili eventualno DJIP?Blagodaram odnapred,
Bobby (2005-04-20)
Looks absolutely brilliant! How can I access the site from the main Skopje-Kumanovo road? Is it signposted or do I need a special permit to visit?
Tome (2005-05-03)
Skopje - Kokino Route as follows: Skopje - Kumanovo ,do not enter Kumanovo bypass it ! and go to the Kriva Palanka road, turn left at Staro Nagoricane road, follow the road through the village, at the end of it turn right Go for 4 km and turn right on to the road for Dragomance, after 6-7 km you will see megalithic observatory at Kokino
bojan (2005-05-08)
G.Gjore! Svaka cast majstore!
bojan (2005-05-08)
Takodjer za G. Stankovski
Aleksandar (2005-05-09)
The astronomical society of Bitola is delighted by the discovery and recognized importance of the Kokino observatory. We urge the responsible authorities in our country to alocate the funds necessary for further exploration, and correct dating. To Gjore: maybe we should organize some sort of round - table talks to raise funds. I am writing this in english so that our friends from abroad can react and contribute to the promoting of Kokino. All the best wishes from Bitola!
josip (2005-11-07)
Gosp. Gjore, iz zagreba sam i proucavam stare civilizacije u smislu posjedovanja visoke tehnologije. Upravo sam zavrsio jednu knjigu o tome, ali ako imate bilo kakvih saznanja o postojanju ove tehnologije na Kokino lokaciji bio bih vam jako zahvalan na informacijama i eventualno fotografijama. Da li je formiran strucni tim za iskopavanja?
Gjore (2005-12-19)
Poshtovani gospodine Josipe, Kokino istovremeno je sveta planina i prastara opservatorija. Najnovija arheoloshka istrazhivanja su pokazala da se opservatorija koristila najmanje 1200 godina (od XiX do VII veka BC). To je takozvano bronzeno doba u razvoju ljudske civilizacije. To podrazumeva da se takozvana visoka tehnologija u tom periodu svodila na umechu livenja bronzanih predmeta. Na Kokino prije godinu dana smo iskopali posebni dvostruki kalup koji je sluzhio za levenja posebnog i dosad nevidzenog bronzanog amuleta (brosha), kao i za livenje obredne bronzane sekire. Razume se da imam fotografieje, pa zatoa poshaljite mi vash e-mail i ja chu vam poslati te fotse.
ensin (2006-01-29)
Pocituvani, Vi blagodaram za otkrivanjeto na vistinata! Poveke info za toa i okolu slitchni observatorii moze da se naide vo knigite na Zahariya Sitchin. Naidov takvo izdatelstvo na balkanot chto veke gi ima obyaveno knigite. Vi go naveduvam linkot: http://www.bard.bg/authors/?al=ะก&BookID=664 Ako po bilo kakvov nacin sum ve navredil ili sum gi naruchil pravilata na pichuvanje, Ve molam izvestete me. So pocit, En Sin
arteume (2007-06-30)
U menia wopros k makedoncam, kotorye zanimaiutsia observatoriiei v Kokino. Skazhite pozhaluista, est li sledy obrabotki doistoricheskim chelovekom kamnei iz kotoryh slozhena observatoriia ili zhe eta observatoriia obrazovalas estestvennym putiom? Inymi slovami - stroili liudi etot pamiatnik ili zhe oni nashli gory vyvetrivshyiesia estestvennym putiom i stali ispolzovat ih kak astronomicheskiie orientiry? Otvet'te please, ili zdes' ili po adresu [email protected]

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