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Aerial photo copyright JJ Evendon

Stonehenge aerial 0418

[750 x 498 JPG]

Submitted byJJ
AddedOct 06 2003
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Aerial photo copyright JJ Evendon

Posted Comments:

Aodh DeDannan (2004-04-13)
A very sad example of official vandalism due to massive disrespect and ignorance. Remove the road,do not replace it.Remove the path,do not replace it. Remove all the modern detrius. leave the site alone
what's it for?
I agree with Aodh, they should have never even placed a road that close to Stonehenge. Very disrespectful to the structure and it's history!
dimensia (2004-12-31)
Yes, but you know that people wont care about that disrespect and all that now-a-days to make money.
At least it did not get flattend in world war two. the RAF wanted to build an airfield there.
orak100 (2005-11-15)
I disagree. I think the photograph shows how we can retain the old while retaining access for all. It's protected and very beautiful. Progress can mean many things, including destruction. If JJ hadn't flown over how could he take the photo? Surely this is just as modern.
Feanor (2011-07-26)
While wholly agreeing with the consensus, to be fair what is now the A-344 had been a farm-to-market cartway for several hundred years. It's seen in every photo, chart and map going back to at least the 1650's. The paved walkway within the interior of the henge is but one remnant of two roads - one of which forked. The shadow of this 'Y' can be seen here entering from the Avenue and slipping west into the present walkway. Wagons, then autos could drive right up to the Stones, while the byways gleamed white from the disturbed chalk roadbeds. Check out the first aerial photo of 1906. Stonehenge's appearance is disgraceful!
In WWI the RAF built an aerodrome to the southwest (straight up in this photo). The airmen complained that the Monument was a distraction while attempting to land and petitioned the Home Office to bulldoze the Stones. This aerodrome was removed in 1921.
Extensive, painstaking restoration was carried out in three major phases during the 20th Century, straightening many Stones - eventually lifting and re-setting 6 of them, leaving the site as we see it today.
Is it perfect? By no means. Although the Modern World has seriously encroached upon the dignity of Stonehenge, things looked an awful lot worse 100 years ago.

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