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The incomparable Callanish, the best stone circle in the world. I dare you to disagree !!!
Submitted bypostman
AddedNov 11 2012
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The incomparable Callanish, the best stone circle in the world. I dare you to disagree !!!

Posted Comments:

Bladup (2012-11-12)
Another cracker, and i for one won't disagree, it's somewhere that certainly DOES live up to expectations [as long as you can ignore the hoards of people], i stayed there 3 days and nights solid, i just couldn't pull myself away, talk about been grapped by the short and curlys by somewhere, my missus even brought my tea to me there.
postman (2012-11-12)
I was as giddy and giggly as a child on Christmas eve, the only place that had a similar effect was Brodgar, but slightly less so. They are both at the top of the revisit list.
AngieLake (2012-11-12)
I went up there alone at midnight when I stayed at the Morrison's B&B just down the road from the circle. It was a magical and awesome feeling being among them all on my own. Mr Morrison assured me it wouldn't be a problem and of course, it wasn't pitch dark like it would have been on Dartmoor.
Bladup (2012-11-13)
Callanish and Brodger go to the top of the revisit list straight away as you drive away and leave the place's, they both made me think "why can't we just live here?" [but a lot of places used to make me think that when i lived in lincoln].

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