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Submitted byCreative Commons
AddedMay 09 2012
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"The Triad", a large Pecos River-style pictograph panel in Fate Bell.

"Called the Triad, although at least four and perhaps five figures are discernible through the layers of superimposed paint, this panel dominates the rock art at Fate Bell Shelter, the largest shelter in the Lower Pecos area and the focal point of Seminole Canyon State Park & Historic Site. The figure in the center of the panel is one of a type identified by their antler headdresses, animal ears, squared off wings, and unusual shoulder protrusions. The clouds of power that emanate from this figure, obscuring two previously painted shamans, are also identified as wings by the crossed bar motifs pendant from their lower edge. This design is an abstraction that stands for feathers, thus adding to the symbolic flight implied by the wings. The freefloating antlers are also shorthand for the spirit guides or animal familiars associated with this particular shaman. The obliterated or obscured anthropomorphs have human feet, while the central figure advertises his animal transformation with claws. This panel was also superimposed upon a feline figure no longer visible, possibly making a statement about site ownership or territoriality." (www.rockart.org/gallery/rock1.html)

Creative commons photo by 12fh

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