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Gallery Home >> England >> Isles of Scilly >> Samson, South Hill

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At low tide, rectangular and square field walls are revealed.  A closer look reveals hut circles, graves and cists.  This central area of Scilly betwen the islands of St Mary's, Tresco, Bryher and St Martin's  was the central fertile plain surrounded by hills and crags that are now islands and rocks.  Scilly was still largely one island in Roman times, but was much larger in the Bronze Age. Could
Submitted byThorgrim
AddedAug 09 2004
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At low tide, rectangular and square field walls are revealed. A closer look reveals hut circles, graves and cists. This central area of Scilly betwen the islands of St Mary's, Tresco, Bryher and St Martin's was the central fertile plain surrounded by hills and crags that are now islands and rocks. Scilly was still largely one island in Roman times, but was much larger in the Bronze Age. Could this inundation have given rise to the legend of Lyonesse and perhaps even Atlantis? The location is right - Scilly is in the Atlantic and beyond the Pillars of Hercules. The time is right also for Plato's account. So many high status burial mounds must have meant a high level of society during the Bronze Age . Was that also Scilly's golden age? More information at http://www.megalithic.co.uk/search.php?topic=1&county=90

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