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Gallery Home >> Scotland >> Isle of Lewis, Isle of Harris >> Callanish >> Callanish I

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Early morning - 4.22 to be precise!  How wonderful to be able to visit such a place at any time of day or night - thank you to the good people of the local community for keeping it this way!

A very atmospheric time and place.  I haven't tried to lighten etc this photo, so I realise it lacks detail, but this is just how it was.

May 2011
Submitted bypab
AddedOct 18 2011
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Early morning - 4.22 to be precise! How wonderful to be able to visit such a place at any time of day or night - thank you to the good people of the local community for keeping it this way!

A very atmospheric time and place. I haven't tried to lighten etc this photo, so I realise it lacks detail, but this is just how it was.

May 2011

Posted Comments:

Meglett (2011-10-19)
Beautiful place, its on my list to visit.
pab (2011-10-19)
Yes, Meglett it had been on our list for a very long time - we started off our retirement year there, and definitely a good choice! Enjoy....

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