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Two parallel Long Barrows - oriented N-s.
The mounds collide and are only separated by a 0.5 m wide gap.
The barrows are 1-1.5 m tall, 52-55 m long and 21-22 m wide.
Near the southern end of both large holes from lost chambers.
The entire memorial is surrounded by stones, as follows:
the north side 4 large, upright stones in addition to 7-8 smaller ones.
Eastside 5 large upright stones, plus
Submitted byholger_rix
AddedJun 04 2011
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Two parallel Long Barrows - oriented N-s.
The mounds collide and are only separated by a 0.5 m wide gap.
The barrows are 1-1.5 m tall, 52-55 m long and 21-22 m wide.
Near the southern end of both large holes from lost chambers.
The entire memorial is surrounded by stones, as follows:
the north side 4 large, upright stones in addition to 7-8 smaller ones.
Eastside 5 large upright stones, plus 1-2 smaller, lying, in the west 16 upright stones,
plus 2-3 recumbent; in the south side 3 large, upright stones plus 3 smaller,
lying in a row and 9-10 smaller ones.
Overgrown with a few large beech trees and oaks, and partly with fir trees and shrubs in the forest. (Restored)

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