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Gallery Home >> Iberian Peninsula >> Balearic Isles (Mallorca / Majorca) >> Cala Sant Vincenc

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Cave 7 is a squeeze to enter. Muddy hands, knees and shins will be gained! Two small rectangular apertures linked by a small passage give entry to a very long carved out chamber, with a long thin rectangle cut into the centre, and a circular pit about three feet deep at the furthest end. My sun hat fell into the pit, and I had to climb in to retrieve it. I didn’t particularly relish that, but it
Submitted byTimPrevett
AddedApr 19 2011
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Cave 7 is a squeeze to enter. Muddy hands, knees and shins will be gained! Two small rectangular apertures linked by a small passage give entry to a very long carved out chamber, with a long thin rectangle cut into the centre, and a circular pit about three feet deep at the furthest end. My sun hat fell into the pit, and I had to climb in to retrieve it. I didn’t particularly relish that, but it had to be done. There is a ledge on either side of the cave, and a smaller chamber on either side near the entrance, giving it something of a phallic plan layout. The ceilings were curved too - wondering if that’s related to the boat shaped graves on other built graves on the island?

Site in Balearic Isles (Mallorca) Spain

Posted Comments:

ivanjohnson (2011-04-24)
Fascinating - it looks like a Mithraeum. Was there Mithras worship in the Belearics? What an interesting site and excellent photos!
Runemage (2011-04-24)
What an unusually worked space. there are small regularly shaped insets along the right-hand wall, did they have the same on the opposite wall? There also look to be regular divisions of the floorspace either side of the trench. Intriguing stuff.
TimPrevett (2011-04-24)
Ivanjohnson: The Romans invaded Majorca in 123 BC, so was home to the Romans. I think Mithras was mainly adopted by soldiers; given the natives weren't too much of a pain to Rome, I don't think there was a major militarised presence. Yes - this was a complete joy to visit; I was expecting a 'cave' shape cave - like Caves 10 and 11 - instead, several were like this :o)
TimPrevett (2011-04-24)
Runemage: yes, there were similar divisions on the other side. Put me in mind of the divisions or stalls within Orcadian chambered tombs.
Runemage (2011-04-24)
Hi Tim, yes, that crossed my mind as well. Also, we don't tend to see the original floor in places with passages, they are often paved or gravelled because of the sheer number of visitors.

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