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Grave field at Skävesund, Närke. 
The name implies that the people who lived around here worshipped the goddess Skädja. A thousend years or so before the vikings. Skädja was a goddess of fertility and goodness. We don't know much about her. Only the place name tells us that she was worshipped here. Probably in conjunction with the god Ull. You can tell from some place names nearby.
Submitted bycereus
AddedMay 20 2004
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Grave field at Skävesund, Närke. The name implies that the people who lived around here worshipped the goddess Skädja. A thousend years or so before the vikings. Skädja was a goddess of fertility and goodness. We don't know much about her. Only the place name tells us that she was worshipped here. Probably in conjunction with the god Ull. You can tell from some place names nearby.

Posted Comments:

Thorgrim (2004-05-21)
Beautifully toned photograph. Superb.
cereus (2004-05-21)
Thank you, Peter. You're most kind.

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