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Clach Mhic Leoid (McLeods Stone) Standing Stone NG040972. Pointing out towards St Kilda with Taransay in the background.
Submitted bysteveco
AddedFeb 24 2002
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Clach Mhic Leoid (McLeods Stone) Standing Stone NG040972. Pointing out towards St Kilda with Taransay in the background.

Posted Comments:

Domhnall Eoghainn (2005-01-27)
I lived not far from here. My Grandparents live about 15 mins from the stone, in the Machair area. spectacular to see against the awesome background with the pure sand beaches, the stone is a focal point. It's a wonder to think why and how it was put there. There are another two similar standing stones in the area: one on the Island of Taransay (which you can see in the photo) and in nearby Scarista. This one is on Ard Nisabost. Apparently the three make, very nearly, a right angle! Whether or not this is merely through coincidence, who knows? but it's certainly a consideration since for these stones to stand so long, the people of old must have had a reasonable idea what they were doing. Though it's called Macleods stone, this doesnt conclusively suggest that a Macleod erected it, though that's a fair suggestion. Clann Macleod is prominent in Harris, and the chances are that the land was owned by one. Another interesting thing you may notice here is a large, fairly circular ring of 'no marram grass' (a thin needly grass). You could perhaps put this down to the fact that people trample over the ground about it, it's certainly not staight-forward explain though. Hope this is of interest I live in Glasgow now, but Harris is definately, in my mind, one of the most fantastic places in the world! Domhnall Eoghainn You should visit...

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