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Long Barrow, parallel to 'Blommeskobbel Langdysse 1' in a distance
of only 4 m south of it. The two Long Barrows east ends are exactly
opposite to each other (ENE-WSW). Length 34 m, width of earth mound 8 m,
between the kerb-stone rows 6 m. Soil mound until 1.50 m high.
A considerable number of kerb-stones is preserved.
At the west end stands an unbroken series of stones,
but partly slightly
Submitted byholger_rix
AddedJul 03 2010
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Long Barrow, parallel to 'Blommeskobbel Langdysse 1' in a distance
of only 4 m south of it. The two Long Barrows east ends are exactly
opposite to each other (ENE-WSW). Length 34 m, width of earth mound 8 m,
between the kerb-stone rows 6 m. Soil mound until 1.50 m high.
A considerable number of kerb-stones is preserved.
At the west end stands an unbroken series of stones,
but partly slightly shifted or toppled.
Along the north side then in a highly disturbed series with
several larger holes, 15 stones. At the north east corner 2 tumbled stones,
one bursted. Middle of the east end stands a big stone upright.
A similar lies overturned beside.
Along the south side from the eastern corner of the east chamber a continuous
right-preserved row of six stone. On the other side of the east chamber
of a highly disturbed series with major breaks at 9 el. 10 stone.
The stones of the ends are the largest.
The highest in the east end is 1.70 meters high.
Where the stone row is undisturbed, the intervals between the stones
are around 0.50 m. Soil mound is fairly well preserved.
All in all, 54 kerb-stones still frame the Long Barrow.

There are two chambers, located in roughly equal distance from ends
in the middle of the barrow. The east consists of five carry stones,
two in each side and one for the north end and a threshold stone in the southeast.
Chamber measuring 1.15 X 1.90 m, internal height of 1,05 m.
The capstone is 1 x 2.4 x 3 m high.

The western chamber is composed of four stone and a threshold stone to the south.
Size in the bottom 1 to 1.2 x 1.6 m.
Three pieces of the splitted capstone are in the chamber.

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