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Gallery Home >> France >> Normandie >> St-Benoit polissoir

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The stone is flat to the ground and about 1.2 metres long. On the top surface are 3 polishing basins, and 16 grooves.
Submitted byTheCaptain
AddedJun 29 2010
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The stone is flat to the ground and about 1.2 metres long. On the top surface are 3 polishing basins, and 16 grooves.

Posted Comments:

stonesavant (2010-10-18)
This is a ritual altar, almost like several basins wihn Dowth, Knowth and Newgrange. The c atchment basin is used to prepare a hallucinogenic drink, but it os also used to time the exact moment a certain star, planet, moon or sun, passes overhead. The small cup marks are use to erect small wooden sticks used as gnomons. The shadow crosses the incised lines and recalls the time of day, the year and the seasonal festival. Basically this is a clock and a calendar.
theCaptain (2010-10-18)
each to his own. Any reasons you say these things stonesavant, have you any references? It looks like a fairly normal polissoir stone to me (actually, a rather splendid one).

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