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Ephesus: Terraced Houses. Close to the magnificent Library frontage, there is a covered area for which an additional charge is payable.  

There are real delights waiting for you inside - these are not terraced houses as those of us who were brought up in British cities may think of them - they are houses built up in terraces up the slope!

From humble shops at street level to villas higher up
Submitted bypab
AddedFeb 27 2010
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Ephesus: Terraced Houses. Close to the magnificent Library frontage, there is a covered area for which an additional charge is payable.

There are real delights waiting for you inside - these are not terraced houses as those of us who were brought up in British cities may think of them - they are houses built up in terraces up the slope!

From humble shops at street level to villas higher up the slope, you are able to watch craftsmen at work restoring the marble panels, and meander through the different levels - all with well-sited information panels.

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