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Another oddly-shaped boulder linked with one of the walls.
Submitted byaluta
AddedJan 06 2004
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Another oddly-shaped boulder linked with one of the walls.

Posted Comments:

TimPrevett (2004-01-07)
Do you see the face in that boulder? - open mouth, Roman nose, and deep eye sockets? I saw it on the thumbnail first and thought I must look closer.
aluta (2004-01-07)
Tim, I see what you mean. This one reminds me of different things from one time to another, and I wonder if the linked boulders weren't chosen because their shapes were so evocative. There's a flower here, called a turtlehead, that resembles this stone, too. But sometimes this one just looks like a big nose to me! Also, notice the different colour of one of the stones atop the wall. A peculiarity of these sites is that in some places there seem to be recent repairs, offerings, or, rarely, small additions. These sites may still sometimes be visited or used, as Mavor and Dix point out in their flawed but important book Manitou.
DavidRaven (2004-01-08)
Didn't see your face Tim. Thought I could make out a birds head, top right, with beak open! Oh, hang on, is the 'face' just below and to the laft of this? Then again, I see simulacra all over the place! :-D

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