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Gallery Home >> Germany >> Lower Saxony, Bremen >> Damme Stappenberg Steingrab

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Western and central part of the chamber. Most orthostats (34 out of probably 42) are preserved, but nearly all are slightly out of place. All remaining capstones are out of place. Despite all the destruction one still can imagine what an impressive monument it once was.
Submitted byMartin_L
AddedApr 14 2009
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Western and central part of the chamber. Most orthostats (34 out of probably 42) are preserved, but nearly all are slightly out of place. All remaining capstones are out of place. Despite all the destruction one still can imagine what an impressive monument it once was.

Posted Comments:

krautrock (2009-04-14)
Super Photos ! Fantastic colours ! Great !
Martin L (2009-04-14)
Thank you! Glad you like it. It was cloudy that day, but then it cleared up a bit and it was possible to take some contre-jour shots on the way home.
Nick- (2009-04-14)
Nice colours ,but was it taken in the Autumn? (Nice site too!)
Martin L (2009-04-14)
Thank you. It was taken in April 2009.....but last weekend the spring arrived. Getting green again....even here.
Nick- (2009-04-14)
Only just getting green in the SW of France, and the last week has been far colder and wet than Germany.....
Martin L (2009-04-14)
....I have some longing for southern France ;-) The beauty of the landscape is hard to beat. Hopefully you can enjoy it!

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