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The Dagenham Idol while on display at Colchester Castle Museum in 2008. 
Found in the Thames mud when the Ford factory was built in the 1930's, and dated to 2250BC.
Submitted bythecaptain
AddedAug 24 2008
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The Dagenham Idol while on display at Colchester Castle Museum in 2008.
Found in the Thames mud when the Ford factory was built in the 1930's, and dated to 2250BC.

Posted Comments:

thecaptain (2008-08-24)
Not the sharpest of images, I will admit, being hand held with no flash, but it looks to me like "Dagenham Dave" has two eyes, despite various sources stating that he only has one.
AngieLake (2008-08-24)
Are you sure it's not a young 'Diana', with those hips, Martyn?
Maybe it's meant to be androgynous?
AngieLake (2008-08-25)
See the Royal Albert Memorial Museum site page for info on the Zitherixon Wooden Figure (I called it 'Idol', because you did!). Museum in Exeter currently closed for refurbishment.
Andy B (2011-11-27)
Calls for 4,000-year-old idol to stay in Dagenham.
The Dagenham Idol, which was uncovered just south of Ripple Road, Dagenham in 1922, is on loan to Valence House Museum and is due to return to its owners, Colchester and Ipswich Museums next month.
The petition, signed by around 1,500 residents, asks that the pinewood figure remains permanently in Dagenham, which Valence House staff say is its rightful home.
With thanks to Coldrum for the link
Runemage (2011-11-27)
The marking on its front suggests it has a detachable appendage, like these http://www.megalithic.co.uk/modules.php?op=modload&name=a312&file=index&do=showpic&pid=80591 Surely items like these should be kept as locally as possible to where they were discovered.

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