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A catalogue picture of the carved 0.51 metre tall statue menhir from the 3 Polus tumuli, which were recently found at the construction site for the new Polus shopping centre in Cluj, Romania.

Archaeologists from the local museum staged a rescue excavation and rebuilt the kerbstones of the tumuli about 300 metres away between the mall and the E60 road towards Oradea.

The largest of the 3 tumu
Submitted byAlexHunger
AddedApr 16 2008
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A catalogue picture of the carved 0.51 metre tall statue menhir from the 3 Polus tumuli, which were recently found at the construction site for the new Polus shopping centre in Cluj, Romania.

Archaeologists from the local museum staged a rescue excavation and rebuilt the kerbstones of the tumuli about 300 metres away between the mall and the E60 road towards Oradea.

The largest of the 3 tumuli measures about 13 metres in diameter and it has a large menhir like stone at the back. They are thought to date from the early Iron age, but research is still being sorted out.

A stone Kist, a 0.51 metre tall carved menhir, pictured here, and later Gepid Barbarian graves from about 400 CE were also found, but are still being evaluated in the Museum. The Jewlery is already on display.

The Statue menhir shows some similarities with the one from Ciceu-Mihaiesti, already in the museum collection.
Photo courtesy of Catalog: Polus, Istorie Pierduta, Istorie regasita, Cluj-Napoca
2008, Page 18, Photo. 18.

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