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Gallery Home >> France >> Aquitaine >> Point du Jour dolmen

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This is a close-up of the eastern end from the north. The dolmen is difficult to photograph from this side, as it situated on the top of a steep northfacing slope in a copse of trees. 
Shortly after taking this photo, I narrowly cheated death by tumbling down the slope, but this is the last photograph my Fuji Finepix 6900 ever took as it was not so lucky. May it rest in peace.
Submitted bypaulcall
AddedSep 10 2007
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This is a close-up of the eastern end from the north. The dolmen is difficult to photograph from this side, as it situated on the top of a steep northfacing slope in a copse of trees. Shortly after taking this photo, I narrowly cheated death by tumbling down the slope, but this is the last photograph my Fuji Finepix 6900 ever took as it was not so lucky. May it rest in peace.

Posted Comments:

TheCaptain (2007-09-11)
Thanks for sharing your cameras last moments with us ! I remember that steep slope!
AngieLake (2007-09-11)
The lengths some heroic contributors will go to! Glad you were spared to bring us more paul.
paulcall (2007-09-12)
Not only was I spared, but I now have a new DSLR. Hooray.
thecaptain (2007-09-12)
I had a look through my collection last night, to see if I had any pictures with the big slope in them, but no such luck. It was such a wet day when I was there I just got a few basic piccies (with raindrops on them) and scarpered !

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