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Gallery Home >> England >> Shropshire >> St Oswald's Well (Oswestry)

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Not an overly picturesque well these days …. but at least it’s neat and tidy and still in existence.
Submitted byKiwiBetsy
AddedOct 06 2006
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Not an overly picturesque well these days …. but at least it’s neat and tidy and still in existence.

Posted Comments:

VirtHist (2007-07-18)
To those of us living in Oswestry there's no doubt that Oswald died here, but did you know that he was suppose to have died 'near the wall', which historians have taken as Hadrian's Wall. There is another theory of course, which I have written about here, and that is that Offa's Dyke wasn't built by Offa at all (there's certainly no mention of him - or anyone else - building a dyke in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles) but that it was built by the Roman Severus in the 2nd century. If this is true, then Oswald did die near the Wall, just not the one everyone thought!

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