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Gallery Home >> England >> Yorkshire (North) >> Pigtrough Rigg Settlement

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Very basic sketch (not to scale) of the settlement on Pigtrough Rigg. Those water courses marked as drains on the sketch map and shown as water courses on the modern OS map have been formed from the dikes / entrenchments that enclosed the settlement.

The map references for the features are given below and are from official records unless otherwise stated.

War Camp  - SE 83194 92354,  Bloomer
Submitted byjohndhunter
AddedAug 16 2021
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Very basic sketch (not to scale) of the settlement on Pigtrough Rigg. Those water courses marked as drains on the sketch map and shown as water courses on the modern OS map have been formed from the dikes / entrenchments that enclosed the settlement.

The map references for the features are given below and are from official records unless otherwise stated.

War Camp - SE 83194 92354, Bloomery – SE 83020 92209
Enclosure ‘A’ - SE 83137 92392, Enclosure ‘B’ – SE 8306 9220
Tumulus (Round Barrow) on Pigtrough Rigg – SE 83295 92214 (my gps)
Tumulus (Round Barrow) west of track – SE 82807 92608 (my gps)

Note: Though no contour lines are shown on the sketch map, the ground falls away steeply into the Griffs.

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