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Gallery Home >> Past Competitions >> 2006 Spring Photo Competition >> Bryn Celli Ddu - Passage Grave in Wales in Anglesey (Sir Ynys Mon)

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* A * Best Springtime photo with a Megalithic or Prehistoric subject
Bryn Celli Ddu - complete with new born lambs and snow on Snowdonia Mountains.....

Bryn Celli Ddu - Passage Grave in Wales in Anglesey (Sir Ynys Mon)

[700 x 525 jpg]

Submitted bynicoladidsbury
AddedApr 18 2006
Vote for this image in our photo competition
* A * Best Springtime photo with a Megalithic or Prehistoric subject
Bryn Celli Ddu - complete with new born lambs and snow on Snowdonia Mountains.....

Posted Comments:

thecaptain (2006-04-19)
Aaaaaah - ickle baaa lambs ! Excellent Nicola.
nicoladidsbury (2006-04-19)
They were really cute, but wouldn't stand still to have their photos taken!
AngieLake (2006-04-19)
Wonderful Nic! I love the prima-donna-ish expression - [Get HER!] - on the posing ewe at the top of the mound! You'd think it was the 'Miss Woold' competition! BTW, is that (snowy!) Snowdon on the mainland in the background? It looks awfully close.
nicoladidsbury (2006-04-19)
Yep - its Snowdon. We walked half way up the next day, it was really beautiful. She is a stroppy looking sheep, she stood there, almost demanding that we leave them in peace, and watched us all the way back to the car!
AngieLake (2006-04-19)
Oh - more a sort of 'Mouton-Mound-Monitor' perhaps! ;-)

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