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Foot path cut through the middle of the barrow - if that is what this enigmatic earthwork is!
Submitted byTragic
AddedDec 20 2005
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Foot path cut through the middle of the barrow - if that is what this enigmatic earthwork is!

Posted Comments:

limestonepavement (2010-06-14)
Don't we need to do something about this, before it's worn away (like so many others round here). Come on F.C.
limestonepavement (2012-07-18)
Incidentally: It is recorded as a huge bell barrow.
Runemage (2012-07-19)
Where is it recorded as such, please? That would give some clue as to who to notify about the footpath through it, if you fancy taking it on?
h fenton (2012-07-19)

It is a forest ride which cuts through the barrow, within Brandon Park. the cut was probably made through the barrow over a hundred years ago.
Unless there are any erosion problems affecting the archaeological deposits on the site there shouldn't be a problem with the path being here.

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