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Serpent Mound in Keene, Ontario as viewed from surrounding walkway. This mound is quite different from the Ohio serpent and much more difficult to photograph. The Ohio mound has an elevated platform. There is no elevated location at the Ontario site.
Submitted byeforrest25
AddedJun 20 2005
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Serpent Mound in Keene, Ontario as viewed from surrounding walkway. This mound is quite different from the Ohio serpent and much more difficult to photograph. The Ohio mound has an elevated platform. There is no elevated location at the Ontario site.

Posted Comments:

Paul B (2005-12-21)
Lovely picture, I hope nobody plays golf nearby because it looks like a green surrounded by bunkers and trees! It would be good to see it from the air, then the full scale could be appreciated. Are there more serpent mounds, I am especially interested in the Wisconsin area?
eforrest25 (2005-12-28)
Hi, Paul. There is at least one other serpent in Ohio along the Ohio River, not far from the Cahokia and Hopewell pyramids. Although it hardly adds to the ambience, there is a "viewing platform" that you can climb to get a better look at a much better defined mound. When I was there some years ago, there was a move afoot to turn THAT into a golf course, which I hope has been beaten back. Because of the trees, I'm not even sure that this one in Ontario can be well viewed except at certain times of the day when the shadows are right.

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