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AddedNov 02 2015
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This megalithic stone circle (3 upright, 1 fallen) stands a few hundred metres off the Broadford to Elgol road, close to the track to Camasunary Bay at Kirkibost & Kilmarie. The name translates to "False Stones", which local legend says is men turned to stone. The upright stones stand around 4 to 6 feet high, while the fallen stone is recorded as being around 11 feet long.

I have looked at it from a distance many times but never taken the time or the trouble to try to reach it. It just didn't seem worth the effort as it looks like difficult, boggy terrain. However, when a couple of photography friends (Skyeweasel and SkyeBaggie) said they were planning to take a closer look, I went along for the "reccie". I'm glad I did!

Image copyright: deemacphotos (David McHutchison), hosted on Flickr and displayed under the terms of their API.

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