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Mauny Allée Couverte, Eure. 

Almost lost in the woods, there is however a very nice half porthole stone which can still be made out.
Submitted byTheCaptain
AddedMay 06 2005
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Mauny Allée Couverte, Eure. Almost lost in the woods, there is however a very nice half porthole stone which can still be made out.

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2005-05-07)
This looks like the Men an Tol stone Martyn! Is it at right-angles to the 'doorway' or is it the entrance, itself?
thecaptain (2005-05-07)
The porthole stone is probably about quarter the way along the chamber, which is about 1.5 metres wide, and would completely block the larger part of the chamber off from the outside, leaving entrance to the main chamber through the porthole itself. Some of these graves had circular holes, some more elaborately shaped holes. These holes may have had blocking doors, or "corks" too.
AngieLake (2005-05-07)
Maybe the builders - or their descendants - of this tomb brought their ideas to Penwith (or vice versa?), as I feel convinced that Men an Tol's stone once formed the entrance to the tomb there.

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