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Translation by thereddragon.
The Dolmen of Solwaster-Sart. In September 1887, Britte de Verviers discovered on the slope of a hill, amidst the heather and mossy wood of Housse a megalith of considerable dimensions called a dolmen or stone table used for sacrifices in the time of the Druids. Nearby, in the Xhavée and 450m above sea level are the cromlechs in the Celtic language or stone circle. T
Submitted bythereddragon
AddedJun 28 2014
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Translation by thereddragon. The Dolmen of Solwaster-Sart. In September 1887, Britte de Verviers discovered on the slope of a hill, amidst the heather and mossy wood of Housse a megalith of considerable dimensions called a dolmen or stone table used for sacrifices in the time of the Druids. Nearby, in the Xhavée and 450m above sea level are the cromlechs in the Celtic language or stone circle. This dolmen bears axes or a primitive plough which is the characteristic of the dolmens of Brittany.

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