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The Albury Stone in 1998 - the only result of a meticulous search for the missing megaliths described in the pamphlet,
Submitted byEileen
AddedFeb 01 2005
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The Albury Stone in 1998 - the only result of a meticulous search for the missing megaliths described in the pamphlet, "Three Surrey Churches".

Posted Comments:

tonyh27 (2008-05-06)
I have checked out that Stone...

It is laying on the dam between the higher and lower lake. The dam is clearly man made and does not appear to have much age to it..

The stone is made of very soft chalk - it scratches very easily. There is a waterfall feeding the lower lake (From the top) only a few yards from the stone.. This waterfall is also man made and without any great age...

The slabs of stone used to construct the waterfall are approximately the same size as the stone laying in the car park and would seem to be of the same material..

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