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AddedMay 01 2014
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Shot at the Canadian Museum of Civilizations, Ottawa, Canada

My wife, Malavika, was deeply engrossed in these photos depicting customs of people from all across the globe. Having walked most of the day around Ottawa, I was tired. As I sat down on the floor to rest my legs, I saw an opportunity for this shot. Now if you've ever tried capturing a subject against a bright background you know you can use flash to fill in the details of the foreground subject. In low light or at night a flash-mode called rear sync would help sufficiently expose the background and the foreground, but it needs the use of a tripod to get good results. Also, in museums flash lights are frowned upon. In such situations, HDR comes to the rescue.

I took two exposures, one at 1/125s and other at 1/8s at the widest possible aperture on my lens, f/3.5, and ISO 400. I composed the two shots in photoshop and painstakingly masked-in the small photos, all 52 of them, to make the result look like how my eyes actually saw the scene.

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Image copyright: Sandeep K Bhat (Sandeep K Bhat & Malavika Bhaskaranand), hosted on Flickr and displayed under the terms of their API.

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