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This ancient pyramid looks rather incongruous in the middle of Lima's modern streets - no longer any sign of the shanty town & slums mentioned in earlier reports, so the city has clearly worked hard to protect and present the structure.

Unfortunately, as we were only in the area for 1 day (the universal closed on Mondays!), we could only see the structure from the pavement, but there is a small
Submitted bypab
AddedOct 21 2013
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This ancient pyramid looks rather incongruous in the middle of Lima's modern streets - no longer any sign of the shanty town & slums mentioned in earlier reports, so the city has clearly worked hard to protect and present the structure.

Unfortunately, as we were only in the area for 1 day (the universal closed on Mondays!), we could only see the structure from the pavement, but there is a small museum open from Tuesday to Sunday for a small charge.

Photo: Sept 2013

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