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This is as close as I could get, you can see the herd of young cattle  on the right well they didn't take too kindly to me so I hopped back over the hedge.The farmer was happy for me to risk my life but I declined his invite. He was though very informative about the area.
Submitted byhamish
AddedNov 11 2004
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This is as close as I could get, you can see the herd of young cattle on the right well they didn't take too kindly to me so I hopped back over the hedge.The farmer was happy for me to risk my life but I declined his invite. He was though very informative about the area.

Posted Comments:

scribeoflight (2004-11-11)
I never knew cows could be deadly - couldn't you just out-run them??
AngieLake (2004-11-12)
You wally Hamish! Have you ever been to Stanton Drew? You'd find plenty there - they're really like inquisitive adolescents. All they want to do is pose for the camera!
templar (2004-11-12)
I was once pursued across a field by a herd of sheep. I was about 6 at the time and it was very scary. I'm less scared now that I'm bigger than them.
ocifant (2004-11-12)
I was charged by a small herd in Cork last year. Extremely frightening! When I looked back, I think some of the pats were mine. People have died in such circumstances - rare, but it does happen.
templar (2004-11-12)
Maybe we should spend less time wandering around farmland in search of lumps of rock!
TimPrevett (2004-11-12)
This year, descending from Caer Caradoc near Church Stretton, I was charged by half a dozen cows or more; I do have a way of coping with them, which is to stand, look at them, stretch my hands as high as I can to make myself tall, and that stops 'em. On this occassion, it stopped the ones nearest me, but a number of them across the field had picked up speed already, and it was a 30 second dash to the field boundary, over the gate!
LizH (2004-11-12)
I was once chased at Barbrook Resevoir by a very determined cow. It wasn't funny. The stones there are rather low, so I couldn't climb on one to escape it. Oh for trilithons you could jump on out the way! (Only joking, honest).
Thorgrim (2004-11-12)
The cows are just curious and want food or milking. You move away and so they follow you. The faster you move the faster they will - so stop, turn and walk towards them.
ocifant (2004-11-12)
Nice idea, but I'm not about to try and milk any of the bullocks at Bodrifty! (Another meeting where the bovines came off best)
Thorgrim (2004-11-12)
Bullocks are just soft puppies, but avoid the well hung fella with the ring in his nose.
templar (2004-11-15)
I should have mentioned, I've set up a forum post for logging anything funny that's happened whilst exploring...
2. Comedy Moments Whilst Exploring http://www.megalithic.co.uk/modules.php?op=modload&name=Forum&file=viewtopic&topic=547&forum=2

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