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Quick sketch of the bull leaping fresco. The pale skinned figures are female and the darker one is male. There are other depictions of this activity in statuettes of bronze and ivory so it seems that it really did happen. So much more dangerous than the pathetic and cruel Spanish
Submitted byThorgrim
AddedNov 01 2004
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Quick sketch of the bull leaping fresco. The pale skinned figures are female and the darker one is male. There are other depictions of this activity in statuettes of bronze and ivory so it seems that it really did happen. So much more dangerous than the pathetic and cruel Spanish "sport" - the athletes must have been incredibly brave.

Posted Comments:

sem (2005-07-23)
Interestingly Thorgrim, you show what can be seen on the original, namely that the bull's horn appears to be going through the leaper's chest and not under the armpit. Have you read HG Wunderlich's "The Secret of Crete?" It has a very unsatisfactory conclusion, but apart from that is a good read.
AngieLake (2005-07-24)
I've just recently started Stephen Lawhead's 'Taliesin', and there are 3 or 4 pages describing a bull-vaulting display in Chapter 3.
hamish (2005-07-24)
They still perform a display in South Western France where ribbons are attached to the horns of rather angry bulls,not for the likes of me to do though.
AngieLake (2005-07-24)
Yes, I saw that at Arles in the 80s, but don't remember any leaping over bulls. Leaping over the perimeter fence, out of their way - often!
davidmorgan (2010-11-11)
I did the running with bulls in Pamplona once (actually three times in the week I was there).

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