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Who cannot be moved by this site?
It may lack the scope and scale of some and not have the same ambience of others.

However it has a certain charm I feel and is possibly a one off that deserves wider attention.

The background is to produce a realistic Stone Alignment or

The Pothenge Alignment

[724 x 900 jpg]

Submitted bytimwebb2
AddedDec 07 2023
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Who cannot be moved by this site?
It may lack the scope and scale of some and not have the same ambience of others.

However it has a certain charm I feel and is possibly a one off that deserves wider attention.

The background is to produce a realistic Stone Alignment or "minilith" in a road defect as part of my ongoing Campaign to raise awareness in my area.

The campaign has been far more popular than I ever realised! Plus it has prodded my local Highways Department into action.

Here is some background to it: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-london-65767401
Pothenge was done tongue in cheek with the reference to the Druids being inaccurate I realise.

On a more serious note, it took me months to plan and implement this. From collecting suitable stones to choosing a suitable road defect in a quiet side road. It was a problem to get the stones to stay upright as I only have limited time and have to the remove them after the photos were taken.

I take my pothole seriously and I am pleased to say it brings pleasure and enjoyment to many people. Plus it has meant road defects in my area are getting resolved and the Council has brought in additional Contractors!

We do not have any Stone Alignments to my knowledge in Orpington, so I thought I would address that issue. I use gentle humour to bring attention to the problems of potholes as there are indeed a serious issue.

I have always been fascinated with Stone Alignments from an early age, as I grew up in Devon. Visiting sites on Dartmoor, my favourites are Merrivale and Scorhill.

Keep up the good work with the Megalithic Portal! I have have your book as one of my essential reference guides.
Tim Webb

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