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In July 2009, during the final days of excavation of unit FG-13/14 in Lapa do Santo, an anthropomorphic figure was exposed at the bottom of the archaeological deposit at an approximate depth of 4.0 meters below the surface. 

The figure was pecked in the bedrock and consisted of a small anthropomorphic filiform petroglyph with tri-digits, a c-like head, and an oversized phallus. The figure is 30
Submitted byAndy B
AddedFeb 23 2012
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In July 2009, during the final days of excavation of unit FG-13/14 in Lapa do Santo, an anthropomorphic figure was exposed at the bottom of the archaeological deposit at an approximate depth of 4.0 meters below the surface.

The figure was pecked in the bedrock and consisted of a small anthropomorphic filiform petroglyph with tri-digits, a c-like head, and an oversized phallus. The figure is 30 cm long (from head to feet) and 20 cm wide. Similar filiform figures can be observed in a niche on the wall of the rock-shelter.

Photo credit: Laboratory for Human Evolutionary Studies - University of São Paulo.

Site in Brazil

Posted Comments:

Martin L (2012-02-24)
“[…]the petroglyph that is further supported by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates from sediment in the same stratigraphic unit, located between two ages from 11.7±0.8 ka BP to 9.9±0.7 ka BP. […]”

SpaceTravellor (2012-02-27)
Maybe this figure depict the mythical Tree of Life or the World Tree?
The phallos figure is very well known from many Rock Art locations. In my opinion, this figure symbolizes the northern hemisphere Milky Way contours.

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