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Stonehenge - Metal Detectorist Arrested by Runemage on Friday, 15 October 2021

It's hard to say exactly where this offence took place, it's intimated it happened within the circle but until further details are released, no-one knows.
Article from the Daily Mail follows.
Metal detectorist, 30, is arrested 'for digging up buried treasure at Stonehenge and possessing explosives'

* The unnamed man, aged 30, arrested at his home in Bradford, in West Yorkshire
* He boasted online about his finds at ancient site, according to Wiltshire police
* It is not clear if the explosives had anything to do with the man's treasure hunting

A metal detectorist has been arrested after bragging on social media about digging up buried treasure at Stonehenge - before allegedly being found in possession of explosives. Wiltshire Police said the unnamed man, 30, from Bradford, West Yorkshire, was snared after he could not resist boasting about his 'finds and the location'.

He was held on suspicion of damaging the 5,000-year-old stone circle, an officially protected World Heritage Site, as well as for illegally using a metal detector there and possessing explosives without a permit. It's not clear whether the explosives formed part of his treasure-hunting antics at the site on Salisbury Plain or if he had them for other purposes.

The offences allegedly happened between August and September, Wiltshire Police said. He has since been released under investigation.

Precisely what his 'finds' consisted of has not been revealed but it's thought he posted photos of them on social media - leading to a police tip off. The four offences include damaging a protected monument, using a metal detector in a protected place without consent, removing an [item of?] archaeological or historical interest without consent and possession of explosives without a permit. West Yorkshire Police also cautioned the man for possession of Class B drugs.

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Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road