Comment Post

Re: Whitefield Loch Crannog by markj99 on Monday, 12 April 2021

There are multiple crannogs on Whitefield Loch recorded in Canmore. The most obvious crannog is Dorman's Island, located at NX 2375 5502, listed as Canmore ID 62160 . An excavation carried out in 2006 found some evidence of habitation.

The remainder are either speculative or on dry land.

Canmore ID 62261 refers to a mound 20ft in diameter at NX 2355 5493. It was reported in 1873 but not confirmed by a subsequent visit in 1976.

Canmore ID 62149 refers to "a natural mound with an artificial spread of stones 20.0m NE-SW by 10.0m transversely upon it. It is covered with trees and undergrowth; no wooden beams are evident (OS 1976). The crannog is located at NX 2323 5509.

Canmore ID 62150 refers to 20ft circle of stones connected to the bank by a submerged causeway 20ft long by 5 feet wide. The crannog is located at NX 2332 5510.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road