Comment Post

Re: Waun Mawn NE by mountainman on Monday, 22 February 2021

I was up at Waun Mawn today in rather glorious weather. I'm now certain that the platform or bench that the proposed "giant stone circle" rests on is madee of unspotted dolerite. There is a lot of it about, in rock outcrops and stone settings on the moor. It is exactly the same rock type as the single standing stone and three recumbents. There are other recumbents in the area as well, not mentioned by MPP and his colleagues. The first thing they should have asked is this: Could the Waun Mawn stones have been sourced locally?" Somehow or other that question evaded them, and they speculate that the stones might have come from Cerrigmarchogion. "Incompetence" is the only word for it........
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Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road