Comment Post

Re: Hornfels by aolson on Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Condition - 2
Ambience - 3
Access - 3

The presence of this structure only came to the attention of the scientific community due to excavations of Hallstatt period mounds and flat graves nearby in early 20th century. Hallstatt pottery was found near the remaining wall in the 1930's.

Post-war excavations show evidence of late Urnfeld occupation within the walls, and subsequent reoccupation and strengthening in the 9th century AD.

The original hillfort is now considered to have been occupied during the late Urnfeld and Hallstatt A/B periods. There is very little information about why or by whom it was used during Medieval times.

Sources: Tim Nagengast: Wen auch immer sie einst beschützte. In: Die Oberbadische from April 8 2015

Wolfgang Struck: Der Hornfelsen bei Grenzach. Vorgeschichte und frühmittelalterliche Befestigung. In: Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz (Herausgeber): Führer zu vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern, Band 47: Lörrach und das rechtsrheinischen Vorland von Basel. Mainz 1981

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