Comment Post

Re: Crossgates Stone (Seamer) by mickoroonie on Sunday, 02 February 2020

I haven't read the sign at the foot of the boulder since it was moved, but if it does say it was moved in 1947 then that's a mistake. The boulder was still in its original position in the garden at Seamer railway station until the late 1980s at least, when it was moved to it's present position. This was when the A64 Seamer bypass was built next to the railway. I lived in one of the houses adjacent to the railway station at the time.
I was never convinced that it was simply left there by a glacier. It may well be a glacial erratic but it was I think placed upright in it's position by human hands. You used to be able to buy postcards at the old station showing a photo of the stone in the garden. I've tried to track one down but sadly haven't been succesful as yet.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road