Comment Post

Re: Penarth by w650marion on Thursday, 05 December 2019

The cairn mentioned above is in the field on the other side of the farm track. You will be able to see a stone wall that crosses the ridge, the cairn is directly below the wall at the highest point of that ridge. As we were staying in the self catering cottage at Penarth Farm, we had permission to examine closely, but not much is left. It was in a fine location - the Historic Environment Record says "Remains of a cairn on local summit above the coast at Aberdesach. Visible from all directions and on skyline from NW and SE. Intervisible with burial chamber 199. In 1910, a stone cist was found in the centre, containing a C beaker, fragmentary bones (child). Fragments of an A beaker were found later."
Coflein -
A nice place to stay with a friendly farmer. The Historic Wales records show that this farm also has Romano-British hut circles (barely visible in the field)
Also the farm is the site of a Medieval Township.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road