Comment Post

Re: Tiree Ringing Rock by Andy B on Friday, 07 September 2018

Anne T writes: Recorded as Canmore ID 21529 we are told "This massive granite erratic, known locally as 'The Ringing Stone' because of the metallic ring it produces when struck, is situated on the N coast of Tiree 1.8km NE of Balephetrish. Measuring about 3.4m by 2.4m and 1.8m in height, it lies balanced on the rocks some 15 m inland from high-water mark. On its sides and upper surface it bears at least fifty-three circular or oval depressions, of which twenty are large and, in most cases, oval in shape, measuring up to 230mm by 150mm across and 60mm deep; the remainder are smaller and predominantly circular, averaging 70mm in diameter and 10mm in depth. There can be no doubt that these markings are artificial and, while several of them are unusually large, the presence among them of many small circular cups, indistinguishable from prehistoric cup-markings, suggest that the whole assemblage may be prehistoric in origin."

This stone also features on The Northern Antiquarian (TNA) - see their page for Clach a’ Choire, Vaul, Tiree: Along with a brief archaeology and history, TNA also give us some folklore, which says the boulder was "suggested to have been dragged and dropped here from the Isle of Rhum in an earlier Ice Age".

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road