Comment Post

Re: White Law by DenzilRed on Sunday, 03 September 2017

Visited on 02/09/2017. Accessible via Whitelaw Nick on the Penine Way. Shortest route via Halterburn Valley, passing Green Humbleton HillFort and the Stob Stanes heading North to South and following the western ridge from the Col at Whitelaw Nick.

Poorly preserved mulitivallate hilltop contour with evidence remaining on the southern side. Very little on the north side although the footwells on the original path up the ridge make for easy climing once on the Col.

While the White Law settlement does not overwhelm you in terms of remains, it does provide a fantastic view of the Burnt Humbleton settlement, Green Humbleton hill fort, settlements at Castle Law, Yetholm Law, Pawston Hill, Old Halterburn Head as well as the fort at the Loanings and several Barrows and Cairns including Coldsmouth Hill. It also passes the Stob Stanes.

Tracks are well established, being on the Penine Way, although the climb up to the Col is pretty steep.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road