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Penparcau group unearths Bronze Age find at Pen Dinas hillfort by Andy B on Friday, 12 May 2017

A suspected Bronze Age burial mound has been found in Ceredigion during a community project. A geophysical survey has revealed new finds under the Iron Age hillfort, Pen Dinas, at Penparcau, near Aberystwyth. A number of suspected hut circles - dwellings typical of the Iron Age - have also been identified.

Dr Alan Chamberlain said the presence of the mound means the hill "must have been a place of special importance long before the hillfort was constructed". The survey was part of a community-led heritage and environment project run by Penparcau Community Forum with support from archaeological specialists.

Trustee Dr Chamberlain, a local resident, said: "It's really exciting and nationally significant. It's especially important because the local community has made this happen."

The project is seeking more volunteers.

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