Comment Post

Letter from Aboriginal custodians of Wurdi Youang to Wikipedia by Andy B on Thursday, 26 January 2017

To Whom it May Concern, Wikipedia
Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: Wurdi Youang Stone Arrangement Coordinates on Wikipedia
It has come to our attention that there is a discussion occurring online in relation to displaying the exact coordinates of a sensitive Aboriginal Stone Arrangement, Wurdi Youang, in Victoria, Australia, on your site. As traditional custodians of the site, which is on private land, we urge Wikipedia to remove any exact coordinates to the site from your page. We have experienced trespassers and site damage already and wish for the exact location to be concealed in order to reduce the likelihood of further trespass and damage to this site.

It is of great importance that the stones and area are not disturbed, as they not only represent cultural history and heritage to our people, ongoing investigation by
academia and our own mob is being hampered by trespassers interfering with the site.
Wurdi Youang is of great significance to the Wathaurong people and we wish to keep it intact, protected and sacred.
Yours sincerely,
Rod Jackson
Chief Executive Officer

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road